
Showing posts from January, 2018

Foodish- delicious recipes

Beautiful Pakistan 😍

Second Wife

The words reverberated through my brain. Why? Am i not good enough? Never! I will never accept a second wife! If you want a second wife tou can go out and get one as long as you know that i will not be here when you come back! Those were my words to my husband a few years ago when he mentioned to me that he is intending to marry again a second time. It qas a women recently divorced,  4 children. She is having a hard time, he said, she don't know where the next meal is coming from or how to provide adequately for her children.  "Where is there father?" I asked, "can't he take care of his own kids? Why do you a strange man have to carry another man's burden? Surely there are other ways that you can help her out financially without having to marry her! I couldn't imagine myself in a plural marriage. Sharing my husband qith another woman. Sharing his love, his smiles, his jokes with a woman other than myself. I could not fathom him holding her close...